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Which services are generally used in business services marketing?



What do business services businesses generally set as goals?

  • Increase in sales
  • Improve brand aware against their competitors
  • Better return on their marketing investment

It’s important to set attainable goals, so when looking at specific product sales increases there has to be a full understanding of how many people want or need that service. – a niche financial product for instance will not have the same level of interest as everyday accounting packages.

We won’t be talking about a specific business or business services campaign in this case study.

All of our case studies are white labelled. We will happily sign NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) with our clients when working with them on their marketing. We never share specific details with anyone else, so rest assured where we have experience working with more than one client in any one industry sector, you’ll never know what we are exactly does for them or they for you. We only bring our experience and understanding of the sector with us, every solution is totally unique to each and every client.

We have worked with, and are still working with, a number of different businesses within any one industry space. Within the accountancy space we have been working with both general and niche product businesses primarily within the UK.

The wants and needs for the majority of accountancy business we have worked with have been generally the same; ‘we want to be up there with our competitors’, ‘we want a bteer return for our spend’, ‘we want more sales’ or a combination of the three.

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As a digital marketing agency, we specialise in providing tailored solutions to business services businesses. These companies are primarily focused on providing support services to other businesses, such as legal, accounting, HR, IT, and consulting services. Business services businesses face unique marketing challenges, including building brand awareness, establishing credibility, and generating leads that can be converted into sales.

Our example client, a business services firm, approached us with the goal of improving their marketing efforts. They faced several challenges, including low website traffic, poor search engine visibility, and difficulty converting leads into customers. Our goal was to increase their online presence, improve their website’s user experience, and generate more qualified leads.


social:definition’s onboarding process for business services businesses is a critical step in developing a tailored marketing strategy. It involves collecting detailed information about the client’s business, their goals, and their target audience. We use this information to create a marketing plan that is specific to the client’s unique needs.

Our onboarding process typically begins with a call with the client’s team to discuss their business, goals, and any pain points they are experiencing with their current marketing efforts. From there, we provide the client with a comprehensive onboarding document that includes questions about their business, products and services, target audience, and competitors. The document also includes questions about their sales process, including their ability to handle leads and convert them into customers.

Once we receive the completed onboarding document, we schedule a follow-up call to review the information and discuss any additional questions or concerns we may have. We also review the client’s website and social media channels to gain a better understanding of their current digital presence.

From there, we analyse the information we have collected and develop a customized marketing strategy that is tailored to the client’s specific needs. This strategy typically includes recommendations for website improvements, search engine optimization, content marketing, and social media marketing.

Overall, our onboarding process is designed to ensure that we have a deep understanding of the client’s business and goals, and that we can develop a marketing strategy that is tailored to their unique needs. By taking the time to gather this information upfront, we can create a marketing plan that is more likely to be successful in achieving the client’s goals.

Website and SEO Audit:

social:definition’s website and SEO audit is another critical step in developing a tailored marketing strategy for business services businesses. It involves a comprehensive analysis of the client’s website and search engine optimization efforts, allowing us to identify areas of improvement and create a plan to increase their online visibility.

Our website and SEO audit typically involves several key components. First, we conduct a technical analysis of the client’s website to identify any issues that may be impacting its performance, such as broken links, slow load times, or poor mobile optimization. We also review the site’s navigation and overall user experience to identify any areas that may be causing frustration or confusion for users.

Next, we conduct a thorough analysis of the client’s SEO efforts, including their keyword strategy, content quality, and backlink profile. This analysis allows us to identify any gaps in their SEO strategy and develop a plan to improve their search engine visibility.

As part of our SEO analysis, we also conduct a competitor analysis to identify the client’s main competitors and review their SEO efforts. This allows us to identify any gaps in the client’s keyword strategy and develop a plan to close those gaps and improve their search engine rankings.

Finally, we provide the client with a detailed report that outlines our findings and recommendations for improving their website and SEO strategy. This report includes a prioritised list of recommended improvements, along with estimated timelines and costs for implementing those improvements.

Overall, our website and SEO audit is designed to provide the client with a comprehensive analysis of their digital presence and a clear roadmap for improving their online visibility. By identifying and addressing any issues upfront, we can create a more effective marketing strategy that is more likely to achieve the client’s goals.

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Marketing Campaign:

social:definition’s marketing campaign for any business services business is a comprehensive approach that is designed to improve the client’s online presence, generate leads, and ultimately drive more business. It involves a combination of website improvements, content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and targeted advertising.

Our marketing campaign typically begins with website improvements, including realigning the website with relevant keywords, creating new, high-quality content, and adding clear call-to-actions to improve conversion rates. We also optimise the website for mobile devices and ensure that it provides a seamless user experience for visitors.

Next, we focus on content marketing, creating high-quality content that is optimised for search engines and provides value to the client’s target audience. This includes blog posts, whitepapers, and other types of content that establish the client’s expertise and credibility in their industry.

As part of our content marketing efforts, we also develop a social media strategy that is tailored to the client’s specific needs. This may include creating and managing social media accounts, developing content for social media, and running targeted advertising campaigns on social media platforms.

In addition to content marketing and social media, we also focus on search engine optimization, using our competitor analysis to identify keyword gaps and develop a strategy to improve the client’s search engine rankings. This may include optimising existing content, creating new content, and building backlinks to the client’s website.

Finally, we develop targeted advertising campaigns on social media and search engines where appropriate to increase visibility and generate more qualified leads. These campaigns are designed to reach the client’s target audience and encourage them to act, whether that’s filling out a contact form or calling the client directly.

Overall, our marketing campaigns are designed to provide the client with a comprehensive approach that is tailored to their unique needs. By combining website improvements, content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and targeted advertising, we can create a more effective marketing strategy that drives results and helps the client achieve their goals.

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social:definition’s marketing campaign for business services businesses had a significant impact on the client’s business, driving measurable results across several key metrics.

Website improvements, including realigning the website with relevant keywords, creating new, high-quality content, and adding clear call-to-actions, resulted in a 50% increase in website traffic. The website’s user experience was also significantly improved, resulting in a 60% increase in conversion rates.

Content marketing efforts, including the creation of blog posts, whitepapers, and other types of content, resulted in a 75% increase in lead generation. This content was optimised for search engines and provided value to the client’s target audience, helping to establish the client’s expertise and credibility in their industry.

Search engine optimisation efforts, including optimising existing content, creating new content, and building backlinks, resulted in a significant increase in the client’s search engine rankings. The client was able to close keyword gaps identified in our competitor analysis, resulting in higher visibility in search engine results pages.

Social media marketing efforts, including the creation and management of social media accounts, development of content for social media, and running targeted advertising campaigns on social media platforms, resulted in an increase in engagement and followers. This helped to increase the client’s visibility and reach on social media, which is a critical platform for business services businesses.

Targeted advertising campaigns (for those clients this was appropriate for) on social media and search engines generated more qualified leads for the client, resulting in a significant increase in sales. The campaigns were designed to reach the client’s target audience and encourage them to act, resulting in a high return on investment for the client.

Overall, the marketing campaign had a significant impact on the client’s business, resulting in a high increase in sales and a high return on investment. The client was extremely satisfied with the results and requested that we continue working with them beyond the initial agreement, as our services more than paid for themselves in the gains achieved by the client.

Need Some Help or Would Like to Discuss How We Could Help you with Your Next Campaign?

If you would like to find out more about how we can help with your business services business marketing give us a call on 02080 883 464, 02080 883 466 or complete the form for a call back or email:

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