02080 883 464 | 02080 883 466 info@socialdefinition.co.uk


Frequently Asked


What types of businesses do you work with?

social:definition works with businesses of all kinds. We work with both B2B and B2C businesses.

Notable businesses we have worked with include accountancy practices, specialist recruitment and solicitors/legal practices. These types of businesses are often considered ‘non-essential’ until required by a customer, so can be considered difficult to market.

Our clients include many service and supply industry businesses, online e-commerce (B2B and B2C) and offline mail-order (B2B and B2C) businesses.

Can you work with anyone?

We are able to work with any kind of business, large or small, but sometimes we choose not too – we turn away as many clients as we take on.

In talking with potential new clients we are not just looking for a ‘client’, we are looking for potential business partners. We’re looking for people/businesses that want us to work with them as a part of their team, not just to ‘take-it-away and make me successful’.

Working together is part of our holistic approach to business, and it gets results – quicker and more cost effectively for both of us.

I just want someone to take my marketing away and do it

There is an amount we can just take away and do, but if you’re looking for someone to come in, make promises about delivery, ROIand growth while you sit back and let them get on with it, then we’re not for you.

Working together, both of us taking responsibility for the results is the only way you’ll have ongoing success with your marketing.

It is just the same if you have an in-house marketing team. You won’t get the results you want if you just leave hem in the corner to get on with it. You need to work together, holistically.

Do you offer a guarantee of success and ROI?

We’re asked this a lot. Usually off the back of our potential client having invested a large budget in to one or more other marketing companies and seen no return on their investment.

If you’ve been offered a guarantee by another business and believe that they can live up to it without the two of you working together previously then go for it.

Generally, we see that guarantees are actually no guarantee of success.

Working with good honest people, with good honest businesses that want us to become a part of their team, where we both work hard to support what each other needs, communicating along the way has always given great (sometimes spectacular) results.

Take a look at our page about return-on-investment to find out more.

What is your fee structure?

We don’t work by the hour. We don’t have a package price. We don’t have a price list.

All of our fee is holistically value based.

When we know what you need from us, how much you’re able to put into helping us to help you, we’ll be able to give you a holistic monthly fee that covers everything you need. If that need changes because your business changes we’ll work out a revised holistic fee – it may not change at all.

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