02080 883 464 | 02080 883 466 info@socialdefinition.co.uk

Keyword Research

Understanding how prospects are finding you
and your competitors.

Understanding how people are looking for your services and offerings is your key to online success. Understanding how search engines interpret potential customer and client searches to deliver them the most accurate results allows us to prepare and present your content to improve the likelihood that the right people will be served with the right content.

Keyword Research allows us to understand the terms your prospects are using when they search online. By knowing and using these keywords, we can optimise your digital assets – from your website to your social media posts – to match these searches, improving your visibility online.

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If you would like to find out more about how we can help with your keyword research give us a call on 0208 883 464 or complete the form for a call back or email:

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Our Keyword Research Process

Before you even start keyword research, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of your business, the products, or services you offer, and your goals. The work that you’ve put into your proposition development helps you understand what your customers’ needs are, what pains you can resolve and gains you can provide with your products and services. This understanding is required to optimise your content, your website pages, your blogs and social media content so that these prospective customers get to find you and learn about your highly suitable products and services.

Our onboarding process helps you through this initial analysis. Once understood and clearly defined. We follow a thorough process to ensure your digital presence is optimized. Here’s an example of our process:


Initial Setup

If you don’t already have them in place, we start by setting up Google Analytics and Google Search Console for your site. This allows us to see the keywords your website is being presented for in search.


Gathering Initial Keywords

At this stage, we ask you to share the keywords you believe are important for your business (seed keywords). We’ll then analyse these keywords, evaluating their search volume, your current ranking (if any), and the overall competition for these keywords in your industry and target locations. The best and appropriate keywords are added to our target list.


Website Keyword Analysis

We extract keywords from your current website content. Once extracted, these keywords are analysed, again evaluating their search volume, current ranking, and overall competition for the keywords. The best and appropriate keywords are added to our target list.

Competitor Analysis

We conduct a gap analysis by comparing your websaite to those of your main competitors. This helps us understand their keyword strategy and identify any potential keywords we might have overlooked. Once again, the best and appropriate keywords are added to our target list.


Expansion of Keywords

By leveraging keyword analysis tools we generate a list of ‘alternative’, ‘variant’ and ‘semantic’ keywords based on the ones we’ve compiled so far. The new suggestions are then screened for relevancy and search volume before being added to our target list.


Keyword Review

We review the compiled target list of keywords, considering three main factors: Search Volumes (the number of relevant searches being carried out), Keyword Difficulty (the competition for that keyword), and Search Intent (how well the keyword aligns with your business goals). This analysis prioritize the keywords that will be most effective for your campaign.


Consider Search Intent

We look beyond the basic data and consider the search intent behind each keyword. Are users looking to buy something, or are they just looking for information? Aligning your keywords with the right intent can greatly improve the quality of your traffic.


Keyword Application

We strategically incorporate the selected keywords across your digital assets, including your website, website content, social media content and social media posts. This ensures that your digital presence is fully optimized and ready to reach your ideal customers when they search for those keywords online


Monitor The Results

Once we’ve implemented your keywords, we monitor your results to assess how your chosen keywords are improving your rankings and driving traffic.


Refine and Repeat

Keyword research isn’t a one-time task. Trends change, and so do the ways people search. We regularly review and update your keyword strategy so you stay relevant and competitive.

We have illustrated here the steps we take, the exact approach would be tailored to fit the specific needs and goals of your business.

Why Trust Us With Keyword Research?

Keyword research isn’t just about finding the right words. It’s about understanding your business, your competition, and your customers. It’s an analytical, data-driven process that requires expertise. We, as your digital marketing agency, do the heavy lifting for you. We go beyond the surface, employing our experience and tools to find the keywords that work best for you.

The end results? A stronger online presence, better visibility, and ultimately, an increased likelihood of reaching your prospects when they’re searching for what you offer.

Let us help you navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Our expertise in keyword research ensures your digital marketing strategy is not just data-driven, but also customer-centric and results-oriented.

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