02080 883 464 | 02080 883 466 info@socialdefinition.co.uk

Content Marketing

Creating compelling content to attract
the right target audiences

What is Content Marketing?

Wikipedia (at the time of writing) defines Content marketing as:

“… a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online – [Joe Pulizzi, Wikipedia].

It is often used by businesses in order to achieve the following goals: attract attention and generate lead, expand their customer base, generate or increase online sales, increase brand awareness or credibility, and engage an online community of users.”

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If you would like to find out more about how we can help with your content marketing give us a call on 0208 883 464 or complete the form for a call back or email:

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Inbound Marketing 

An important tactic as part of any Digital Marketing Strategy, and a simple tactic to understand, content marketing is an inbound approach to creating and distributing valuable stories, in fact consistently distributing valuable relevant stories, highly relevant and consistent content and entertaining content to initially attract, engage and entertain your specific targeted audience, namely your ideal clients to your landing pages. The ultimate aim being to encourage this audience, or community to help achieve our goals.

While it is simple, it is key to building your communities, and as such is a long term tactic. Over time you serve your growing communities with high-quality content, your ROI when your followers make purchases and become customers they already have some brand loyalty and will choose your products or services over your competitors.

The work you do on your value proposition, brand development and the marketing strategy produced, helps us understand what your customers needs are, and what pains we can resolve and gains we can provide with your products and services. We also know more about who your customers are, their persona, what they like, what they do, where they hangout…

We use this understanding when producing an optimised piece of content designed to reach out to your prospective customers, get them to find you and learn about your highly suitable products and services.

Some example so of the types of Content Marketing we could deploy:

  • Social Media Posts
  • Blog Post
  • Case Studies
  • eBooks
  • White papers
  • Infographics
  • User generated content
  • Testimonials
  • Videos
  • Audio
  • Tutorials
  • Presentations

Content Marketing Services 


Social Media Posts

Content shared on social media, via a users profile or a company page. These can range from simple short updates (up to 500/600 words) to longer articles (1500+words). They can be content rich by including images, videos and links to other content.


Blog Post

Blog Posts are like Social Media articles, but these tend to be longer (1200+ words) and are hosted either in dedicated blogs or pages on your website. Whereas Social Media articles are usually hosted within the Social Media platform, like LinkedIn. Since a well written, optimised, content rich blog can generate high quality, relevant traffic, ideally you want this traffic going to your website.


Case Studies

Like a blog whose content is focussed on sharing a story of a typical project, instance of service, or client experience when engaging with your business. Particularly useful, and popular with prospects that are someway down the sales funnel, maybe looking to do some due diligence, and wish to learn about your business from your customers perspective.


A longer form of blog, typically 2000+ words, popular for sharing knowledge and training. Very useful B2B marketing assets, usually top or middle of funnel, allowing clients and prospects to download and read around subjects that you are an authority on. The tone of voice for eBook content tends to be more relaxed, conversational and consumable than say a whitepaper.


A lengthier piece of content that tends to be more technical, detailed, containing lots of data and educational / informative in nature. White papers establish credibility and build trust for the author / brand and allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of your business, industry, sector, technology etc.


These are at the fun end of long form content. Visual Communication, often entirely visual and designed to be eye-catching. It is not enough for the infographic to be exciting and engaging, the need to communicate a message, invariably educational.

User Generated Content

Any content, social media posts (TikTok, YouTube, Tweets, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc,) text, video, product or service reviews created and published by your customers and brand advocates – and not by you, or you marketing people. This is great content, because it is created by your customers its authenticity, and your credibility, is taken to another level. People trust other people, User generated content is today’s “Word of Mouth”.



Testimonials and customer reviews are a common, and popular, specific instance of user generated content. This is user generated content, but here it is generated by people sharing their experience of your product or services, people with enthusiasm for you and your business. Once again, this is great content.


Many brands use Video Content to raise their profile online. It is a very popular medium, easy to consume and easy to share. A lot of content is hosted / shared via YouTube – no coincidence that YouTube is the 2nd most visited website.


Like video, audio content is used by many brands. Where Audio content scores over video content is that it is much easier to engage with audio content than with video content. With audio, you can have it in the background while you do other things. Whereas you need to invest more to watch a video, you need to pay attention look at the device and watch the video.


If your product or service needs any introduction, manuals or training, tutorials, or how to guides are ‘must have’ content. These assets help with sales by allowing prospects understand your product / service and your value proposition. They help with the overall customer experience, FAQ’s, how to guides, manuals all make engaging with your products and services better for your customers. And they can save you time, helping with support and onboarding.


Sales and Marketing presentations can be valuable content for your digital marketing and website. You probably have presentations designed for the various stages of your sales funnel, why not publish them (or versions of them) in the tactics, media and activities throughout the sales funnel.

Why is Content Marketing Important? 

Content marketing helps you answer your prospects questions. Your research and value proposition work informs you about your ideal customers. Further research, around search terms, search intent and keywords will inform you how these customers do their own research and due diligence when looking to purchase products and services like ours.

In short – great content and content marketing strategies drive profitable customer actions.

Now you know, not just who your deal customers are, but where they hang out, how to reach them and how to best present our messages. Now …

  • You can create targeted content to answer very specific questions.
  • You can optimise this content so the search engines can do their work and present our content to relevant, interested, prospects.
  • And you can manage the distribution of this content, via digital marketing and other media, so your ideal prospects are increasingly likely to find it.

Now your content is being found by high quality prospects, who are likely to engage positively with this content.

Content Marketing as a Tactic 

Remember, content marketing is one tactic we use as part of an holistic approach to our Marketing Strategies within our Marketing Campaigns. Keep in mind, we are targeting ideal clients. So, our top of funnel content is designed to attract and excite ideal clients and detract and deter prospects that we can’t serve well.

The reality is some prospects we don’t want, if we are not a good fit, they will take up our time, distract us and most likely not convert. Worse they WILL convert and take up way more of our time, valuable resources, and we will bend and twist to try to serve them well. It is a mess, is not likely to go well, and no one will be happy – you lose and your client loses. Detracting poor prospects is not leaving money on the table!

So, have confidence, stay with the marketing strategy, and be consistent across the tactics deployed – then where your products and services are a good fit, your ideal prospects will move through your funnel, quickly. Resulting in a client we can serve, profitably, confidently very well, and for the long term.

How Quickly Will I See the Results From My Content Marketing Efforts? 

This is a difficult question to answer as results vary, wildly. Certainly, we know getting the marketing basics right, matters. The better your research to support your Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning, the better your results. Providing you allow this research to inform you when developing the value proposition and defining the ideal client persona. Then letting this work inform your marketing strategy, flowing through the tactical implementations, the quicker you get results.

That said, content marketing is a long-term tactic and as such your content marketing goals should also be long term. With successful content marketing, i.e. done right, you will see ‘signals’ that things are working in the first few months, encouraging signals like social media engagement growing, google analytics improving – bounce rate declining, time on site growing, the right pages being visited and pages visited growing as visitors follow the flow / story you have laid out for them. These inform us that leads are coming, soon.

If you insist on a numeric answer to ‘How quickly will I see the results from my content marketing efforts?’ googling this question and the consensus answer is 6-9 months. Our experience as a content marketing agency is, everything done well we would say more 6 than 9 months.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is content marketing?
Content marketing is a tactic used to attract and engage a targeted community/audience by creating and sharing focussed, relevant content. This approach establishes authenticity, raises brand awareness, and helps you answer your prospects questions – when it’s time to buy what you sell.
How does content marketing help my business?
Content marketing helps you answer the questions your ideal prospects are asking. From your research you defined your ideal customer, now you can create targeted, optimised content so the search engines can present your content to relevant, interested, prospects. Now your content is being found by high quality prospects, who are likely to engage positively with this content.
What type of content should I create?
There are many types of content and media to choose from. If your Persona research suggests certain types perform better with your target demographic, include those content types. Over time, keep metrics and record the performance history. Focus on the types of content that perform best.
What is shortform content?
As the term suggests, short form content is content of up to 1200 words. It is typically easy to read and understand and tackles one subject at a time.
What is Longform content?
Similarly, longform content is content of over 1200 words. Longer content allows deeper coverage of a topic, or multiple topics. By design it will not be an easy quick read, and seeks to educate and inform the reader looking to answer a specific question.
How quickly will I see the results from my content marketing?
This is a difficult question to answer as results vary, wildly. Certainly, we know getting the marketing basics right, matters.

Googling this question and the consensus answer is 6-9 months. Our experience is, everything done well we would say more 4-6 than.

Could I end up sending prospects to my competition?
We are targeting ideal clients, and not every prospect will be right for your business. Top of funnel content is designed to attract and excite ideal clients and detract and deter and dissuade prospects that we can’t serve well. So yes, some prospects may decide to go elsewhere, that’s good – very good, detracting poor prospects is not leaving money on the table!

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