Tracking everything you do with your marketing instantly shows you what’s working and what isn’t. It makes it easier for you to effectively market your business services or products to prospective clients and customers once you know that things are working so weekly, monthly or at least quarterly reporting on your marketing is vital to keep a close eye on your marketing campaigns, showing you how any one campaign performed and the results of your marketing efforts.
What we like about our reporting is that it gives us, and you, no where to hide – the bottom line is, if either of us has got it wrong, we’ll both know. We won’t be hiding anything and knowing what’s wrong, it can be fixed – and quickly.
Our reporting software allows us to ‘live track’ what’s happening with your digital marketing, giving us data from source (google analytics, search console, social media platforms), not second guessed.
We’re able to monitor all of the channels we’re working with you on, so the reporting we offer means we can compare results across different social media platforms to show why you may want to push harder on some and move more gently on others. If you have a sales team, our reporting will also give them a better insight into how potential customers are seeing or interacting with your products or services and who to concentrate their sales efforts on.

Need Some Help?
If you would like to find out more about how we can help with your marketing and the in-depth reporting that we produce, give us a call on 0208 883 464 or complete the form for a call back or email: