If you are wondering or have doubts that your website isn’t performing to it’s fullest our complimentary page website audit can help turn your thoughts into an educated answer.
Our full website audits look at every page and aspect of your website, consisting of 50+ different tools and reports that take your website apart, analysing the technical build, structure, content, images, SEO audit, duplicate content, internal links, broken links, user experience and general website performance and more.
Where Do We Start with Your Introductory Website Audit Report?
We don’t require anything from you to run an initial page website audit, other than completing the very short form below with your domain name, the email address you’d like your report sending to and your telephone number (you’ll also need to tick the box to confirm that you’re happy submitting these details and us processing them) and ensuring that your website is visible and not hidden from search engines. If you don’t have google analytics installed on your website, that’s not a problem, you don’t need it for our initial report.
Once submitted our audit tool will start its initial audit of your website page which we’ll deliver to you (within an hour of submitting) using the email address you supplied.

What will be included your introductory report?
Our site audit will give you an overview of your sites general health, along with one or two issues we may have found (you may be able to fix some of these yourself without the need for your developer or additional resources).

Crawled Pages
Of the pages we crawl in our initial audit we’ll tell you the number of pages that are healthy, broken, have issues, redirects or are blocked. Obviously, we’re hoping that all of your pages are healthy.

This number will tell you how many critical errors we find in our audit. These errors will be having an effect on how your website is being seen or found by both search engines and visitors alike.

The number here tells us how many ‘things’ need some attention within your website. You may have one or more warnings on a single page. Warnings, unlike errors aren’t critical or require fixing immediately, but they do need your attention to give you the best possible change of being found online.

Again, not necessarily major problems within your website, but if this number is high, the simpler errors could be adding up to something more critical and effecting your overall sites health.

Top 3 Issues
What these top issues are will vary depending on the number of errors, warnings or notices you receive. We’ll also give you an indication of the percentage each of these top issues has in decreasing the overall health of your website. Some of your top 3 issues may be easily fixed, others may require technical knowledge that you may need to seek from your website developer.
How do you get your introductory page website audit report?
It couldn’t be simpler, just complete your details on the form to receive your report within an hour.
If you’d like to talk to us regardless of the results you can book a call now below, or, if you’d rather wait until you see the damage, come back and book later (there will be a link back to this page on your report email). You will still receive your report if you do not book a call.
Book a 30 minute follow-up call after your initial website audit
Our complimentary website audits have held immense value for those taking them, sometimes saving hundreds of pounds on developer fees, to taking a website from complete invisibility to an open house for visitors in minutes.
If we see that your website isn’t performing as it should and we think that we could help, we’d like to follow up with a call to discuss your audit – there’s no obligation to use any of our services just because you’ve taken up our complimentary website page audit, and be assured, we also won’t be sharing your details with anyone else.
If you would like to book your follow up, you can do it now or come back once you have your website page audit report.
If we’ve not heard from you in a couple of days and we think we could help with your online visibility, we’ll give you a call.